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Blanco Pastor, José Luis

Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-7708-1342

Perfil en ResearcherID: R-2075-2018

Grupos de Investigación
  • Función, Ecología y Biodiversidad en Ecosistemas Mediterráneos
Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US
Participa los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US


  • Identification of the genomic signatures of climate change in permanent grasslands through resequencing and experimental studies in allochronic popula ( PID2020-119327RJ-I00 - Investigador Principal Joven).
  • Facilitating use on the European perennial ryegrass collection: improving access to genetic resources and C&E data (ImprovLoliumCol) ( Ref: ECPGR(Phase IX) - Investigador/a).
  • El microbioma urbano: biodiversidad y funcionamiento ecosistémico en un marco de cambio global (URBANFUN). ( - Investigador/a).
  • Genetic diversity of populations and varieties of ray-grass and fescue for their germination response to temperature: Implications for management and ( NOR:AFRF1514824A - Investigador/a).
  • Boosting the genomic adaptation to anthropogenic climate change in a European grassland species (GrassClim). ( EC Grant Agreement 609398 - Investigador Principal Joven).
  • Bridging landscape genomics and quantitative genetics for a regional adaptation of European grasslands to climate-change (GrassLandscape) ( EC Grant Agreement 618105 - Investigador/a).
  • Adaptation and evolution of wild alfalfa: a genomic approach (AlfalfaEvolution). ( EC Grant Agreement 625308 - Investigador Principal Joven).
  • Identification of reasons for gene tree conflict using NGS and genomic libraries ( Ref.: 2009-5206 - Investigador/a).
  • Looking for biodiversity areas in Sierra Nevada (Spain): barcoding techniques applied to Angiosperms (tribe Antirrhineae), pollinators (bees) and thei ( Ref.: 005/2008 - Investigador/a).
  • The evolution of the personate flower ( CGL2009-10031 - Investigador/a).
  • Identification of reasons for gene tree conflict using NGS and genomic libraries ( Ref.: 2009-5206 - Investigador/a).
  • Evolution and ecology of two juniper species (Juniperus cedrus and Juniperus brevifolia) endemic from Macaronesia ( PI 2007/053 - Investigador/a).
  • Genetic and evolutionary analyses for conservation diagnostics of Andalusian plant endemics ( P06-RNM-02148. - Investigador/a).
  • Modes of distribution of the deformation in situations of oblique convergence: study of natural cases from the structural and sismotectonic analysis, ( CGL2006-08638 - Investigador/a).
  • Genetic and evolutionary analyses for conservation diagnostics of Andalusian plant endemics ( P06-RNM-02148 - Investigador/a).
  • Study of reintroduction methods of the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in La Janda region (Cádiz, Spain) (Proyecto Eremita) ( - Investigador/a).
  • Partition of deformation in lateral zones of orogenic arcs: characterization of the cases in southwestern Iberia ( BTE2003-05057-CO2-02 - Investigador/a).

Capítulo de Libros:

  • Vargas, P., Ornosa, C. , Blanco, José Luis, Romero, D. , Fernández-mazuecos , M. , Rodríguez-gironés , M.a. :
    En búsqueda de áreas de diversidad genética en Sierra Nevada: análisis de plantas y abejas. Pag. 123 - 142. En: Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: 2009-2012. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. 2013. ISBN 978-84-8014-853-5

Publicaciones en Revistas:

  • Fan, K., Blanco, José Luis, Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel:
    Soil biodiversity supports the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions in urban greenspaces worldwide. En: Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2023. Vol. 7. Núm. . Pag. 113-126 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01935-4
  • Blanco, José Luis:
    Inclusion of highly admixed genotypes in grapevine genomic analyses leads to an equivocal reconstruction of its domestication history. En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 2023. Vol. 120. Núm. 49. Pag. e2310026120- https://10.1073/pnas.2310026120
  • Gómez-gonzález, S. , Ochoa-hueso, Raúl , Paniw, Maria , Blanco, José Luis, García-cervigón, Ana I., Godoy, Oscar , Herrera, José M. , Lara, Antonio , Miranda, Alejandro , Ojeda, Fernando :
    Moving towards the ecological intensification of tree plantations. En: Trends in Plant Science. 2022. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2021.12.009
  • Blanco, José Luis, Picó, Sergio:
    Global hotspots for soil nature conservation. En: Nature. 2022. Vol. 610. Núm. 7933. Pag. 693-698 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05292-x
  • Blanco, José Luis:
    Alternative modes of introgression-mediated selection shaped crop adaptation to novel climates. En: Genome Biology And Evolution. 2022. Vol. 14. Núm. 8. Pag. evac107- https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evac107
  • Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Blanco, José Luis:
    The global distribution and environmental drivers of the soil antibiotic resistome. En: Microbiome. 2022. Vol. 10. Núm. 219. Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-022-01405-w
  • Villa-machío, I. , Zamora, J. C. , Sandoval-sierra, J. V. , Blanco, José Luis, Fernández-mazuecos , M, Jiménez-mejías, P. :
    Insect pollination in temperate sedges? A case study in Rhynchospora alba (Cyperaceae). En: Plant Biosystems. 2022. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2020.1845846.
  • Keep, T. , Roldan-ruiz, I. , Ruttink, T. , Surault, F. , Willner, E. , Volaire, F. , Sampoux, J.p. , Barre, P. , Blanco, José Luis, Dehmer, K.j. , Durand, Jl. , Hegarty, M. , Ledauphin, T. , Muylle, H. :
    To grow or survive: which are the strategies of a perennial grass to face severe seasonal stress? . En: Functional Ecology. 2021. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13770.
  • Delgado-baquerizo, M. , Blanco, José Luis, Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Noah, Fierer:
    Global homogenization of the structure and function in the soil microbiome of urban greenspaces.. En: Science Advances. 2021. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abg5809.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Muylle, H. , Veeckman, E. , Vandepoele, K. , Ruttink, T. , Roldán-ruiz, I. , Manel , S. , Sampoux, J.p , Barre, P. , Keep, T. , Ledauphin, T. , Escobar-gutiérrez, A., Roschanski, A.m. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, J. , Hegarty, M. :
    Canonical correlations reveal adaptive loci and phenotypic responses to climate in perennial ryegrass.. En: Molecular Ecology Resources. 2021. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13289.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Liberal, I. , Brummer, E.c. , Wei, Y. , Sakiroglu, M. , Andrew , R.l. , Pfeil, B.e. :
    Annual and perennial Medicago show signatures of parallel adaptation to climate in highly conserved genes. En: Molecular Ecology. 2021. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16061.
  • Keep, T. , Muylle, H. , Roldan-ruiz, I. , Surault, F. , Veron, R. , Willner, E. , Sampoux, J.p. , Rouet, S. , Blanco, José Luis, Barre, P. , Ruttink, T. , Dehmer, , K. , Hegarty, M. , Ledauphin, T. , Litrico-chiarelli, I. :
    Inter-annual and spatial climatic variability have led to a balance between local fluctuating selection and wide-range directional selection in a pere. En: Annals of Botany. 2021. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcab057.
  • Andermann, T. , Bacon, C. D. , Antonelli, A. , Torres Jiménez, M. F. , Matos-maraví, P. , Batista, R. , Blanco, José Luis, Gustafsson, A.l.s. , Kistler, L. , Liberal, I. M. , Oxelman, B. :
    A guide to carrying out a phylogenomic target sequence capture project. En: Frontiers in Genetics. 2020. Vol. 10. Núm. 1407. Pag. - https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2019.0140.
  • Keep, T. , Roschanski, A.m. , Ruttink, T. , Surault, F. , Willner, E. , Barre, P. , Sampoux, J.p. , Blanco, José Luis, Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M.j. , Ledauphin, T. , Litrico, I. , Muylle, H. , Roldán-ruiz, I. :
    High-Throughput Genome-Wide Genotyping To Optimize the Use of Natural Genetic Resources in the Grassland Species Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.. En: G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2020. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.120.401491.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Fernández-mazuecos, M, Coello, A.j. , Pastor , J. , Vargas, P:
    Topography explains the distribution of genetic diversity in one of the most fragile European hotspots.. En: Diversity And Distributions. 2019. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.12836.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roldán¿ruiz, I. , Ledauphin, T. , Escobar¿gutiérrez , A. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Roschanski, A.m. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Ruttink, T. :
    Pleistocene climate changes, and not agricultural spread, accounts for range expansion and admixture in the dominant grassland species Lolium perenne . En: Journal of Biogeography. 2019. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13587.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Bertrand, Y.j.k., Liberal, I.m. , Wei, Y. , Brummer , E.c. , Pfeil, B.e. :
    Evolutionary networks from RADseq loci point to hybrid origins of Medicago carstiensis and Medicago cretacea. . En: American Journal of Botany. 2019. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.1352.
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M, Blanco, José Luis, Juan, A., Carnicero, P. , Forrest, A. , Alarcón, M. , Vargas, P. , Glover, B. J. :
    Macroevolutionary dynamics of nectar spurs, a key evolutionary innovation.. En: New Phytologist. 2019. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15654.
  • Pfeiffer, V. , Ford, B. , Housset, J. , Mccombs, A. , Blanco, José Luis, Gouin, N. , Manel, S. , Bertin, A. :
    Partitioning genetic and species diversity refines our understanding of species-genetic diversity relationships.. En: Ecology and Evolution. 2018. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4530.
  • Eriksson, J.s., Blanco, José Luis, Sousa, F. , Bertrand , Y.j.k., Pfeil, B.e. :
    A cryptic species produced by autopolyploidy and subsequent introgression involving Medicago prostrata (Fabaceae). . En: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2017. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2016.11.020.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Omosa, C, Romero, D, Liberal, I, Gómez, Jm, Vargas, P:
    Bees explain floral variation in a recent radiation of Linaria. . En: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2015. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.12609.
  • Vargas, P, Valente, L.m. , Blanco, José Luis, Liberal, I., Guzmán, B. , Cano, E. , Forrest, A., Fernández-mazuecos, M:
    Testing biogeographic congruence of palaeofloras using molecular phylogenetics: snapdragons and the Madrean-Tethyan flora. . En: Journal of Biogeography. 2014. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12253.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Fernández-mazuecos , M. , Vargas, P.:
    Past and future demographic dynamics of alpine species: limited genetic consequences despite dramatic range contraction in a plant from the Spanish Si. En: Molecular Ecology. 2013. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12383.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P. :
    Autecological traits determined two evolutionary strategies in Mediterranean plants during the Quaternary: low differentiation and range expansion ver. En: Molecular Ecology. 2013. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12518.
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M, Blanco, José Luis, Gómez, J.m., Vargas, P:
    Corolla morphology influences diversification rates in bifid toadflaxes (Linaria sect. Versicolores).. En: Annals of Botany. 2013. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mct214.
  • Blanco, José Luis, Vargas-Gómez, Pablo, Pfeil, B.e. :
    Coalescent simulations reveal hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting in Mediterranean Linaria. En: PLoS One. 2012. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0039089.
  • Rumeu, Beatriz, Caujapé-castells, Juli, Blanco, José Luis, Jaén-molina, Ruth, Nogales, Manuel, Elias, Rui B., Vargas-Gómez, Pablo:
    The colonization history of Juniperus brevifolia (Cupressaceae) in the Azores islands. En: PLoS One. 2011. Vol. 6. Núm. . Pag. e27697- 10.1371/journal.pone.0027697

Aportaciones a Congresos:

  • Blanco, José Luis:
    ¿Reproductive Biology and Climate Change¿ . Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Genomic and phenotypic diversity for adaptation to current and future climates in Lolium perenne.. Toledo, Spain. 2021
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roldán-ruiz, Isabel , Manel, Stéphanie , Volaire , Florence , Sampoux, Jean-paul , Keep, Thomas , Barre, Philippe , Escobar-gutiérrez, Abraham , Willner, Evelin , Dehmer, Klaus J. , Hegarty, Matthew , Muylle, Hilde , Ruttink, Tom :
    Genomic and phenotypic diversity for adaption to future climate in natural populations of perennial ryegrass. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. EUCARPIA Section Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Meeting . Online. 2021
  • Blanco, José Luis:
    ¿Reproductive Biology and Climate Change¿ . Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 1st Spanish Botanical Congress (SEBOT). Toledo. 2021
  • Blanco, José Luis:
    Introgression as a driver of plant adaptation to climate: new insights from genomic data. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 1. II Annual Symposium of Spanish Botany. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. 2021
  • Blanco, José Luis, Keep, T. , Barre, P. , Volaire, F. , Manel, S. , Sampoux, J.p. :
    Genomic and phenotypic diversity for adaptation to current and future climates in Lolium perenne. . Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 1st Spanish Botanical Congress (SEBOT). Toledo, Spain. 2021
  • Gómez-gonzález, S. , Ochoa-hueso, R. , Paniw, M. , Blanco, José Luis, García-cervigón, A.i. , Godoy, O. , Herrera, J.m. , Lara, A. , Miranda, A. , Ojeda , F. :
    Towards the ecological intensification of forest plantations. Ponencia en Congreso. XV AEET National Congress. Plasencia. Cáceres. Spain.. 2021
  • Blanco, José Luis, Muylle, H. , Veeckman, E. , Vandepoele , K. , Ruttink, T. , Roldán-ruiz, I. , Manel, S. , Sampoux, .p. , Barre, P. , Keep, T. , Ledauphin, T. , Escobar-gutiérrez, A. , Roschanski, A.m. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K. J. , Hegarty, M. :
    Climate adaptation in perennial ryegrass: how are climatic factors and phenotypic traits associated with adaptive loci? . Poster en Congreso. Annual Symposium of Spanish Botany. Sevilla, Spain. 2020
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roldán-ruiz , I. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Keep, T. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Ruttink, T. :
    Environment-genotype-phenotype associations to detect candidate loci for climatic adaptation in perennial ryegrass. Poster en Congreso. Joint 20th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section `Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses¿ (Improving s. Zurich, Switzerland. 2019
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roldán-ruiz, I. , Ledauphin, T. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Roschanski, A.m. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Ruttink, T. :
    Quaternary climate changes explain the current genetic variation in a major European grassland species, Lolium perenne. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG XXVI). San Diego. California. USA. 2018
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roldán-ruiz, I. , Ledauphin, T. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Roschanski, A.m. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Ruttink, T. :
    Quaternary climate changes explain the current genetic variation in a major European grassland species, Lolium perenne. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Landscape Genetics Seminar. Montpellier. France. 2018
  • Ruttink, T. , Dehmer, K. , Manel, S. , Ledauphin, T. , Blanco, José Luis, Sampoux, J. P. , Roldán-ruiz, I. , Barre, P. , Lamour, K. , Van Glabeke, S. , Hegarty, M. , Verwimp, C. , Veeckman, E. , Muylle, H. , Roschanski, A. Maria , Willner, E. :
    Pooling Resources: Allele Frequency Fingerprinting in Lolium perenne. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG XXVI). San Diego. California. USA. 2018
  • Housset, J. , Ford, B. , Mccombs, A. , Blanco, José Luis, Pfeiffer, V. , Gouin, N. , Manel, S. , Bertin, A. :
    SNP markers refine species-genetic diversity relationships. Ponencia en Congreso. The US-IALE 2017 Annual Meeting, People, Places, Patterns: Linking Landscape Heterogeneity and Socio-Environmental Systems.. Baltimore, Maryland,USA. 2017
  • Blanco, José Luis, Willner, E. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Dehmer, K. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Roldán-ruiz, I. , Roschanski, A.m. , Ruttink, T. :
    Boosting the genomic adaptation to anthropogenic climate change in a European grassland species. . Ponencia en Congreso. 13th AgreenSkills meeting. Pairs, France. 2017
  • Eriksson, J.s. , Blanco, José Luis, Sousa, F. , Bertrand , Y.j.k. , Pfeil, B.e. :
    Polyploid hybridisation and cryptic speciation in Medicago prostrata (Fabaceae). Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridizatoin and Biodiversity.. Rovinj, Croatia. 2016
  • Blanco, José Luis, Roschanski, A. , Manel, S. , Sampoux, J.p. , Ledauphin, T. , Barre, P. , Ruttink, T. , Roldan-ruiz, I. , Muylle, H. , Hegarty, M. , Willner, E. , Dehmer, K.j. :
    Genomic markers of plant adaptation to climate: Responses from one of the widest screening of natural intraspecific genetic diversity across Europe. Ponencia en Congreso. 14. Interdisciplinary Approach to Evolution 2016 (AIEM). Saint Martin de Londres (France). 2016
  • Blanco, José Luis, Willner, E. , Sampoux, J.p. , Manel, S. , Barre, P. , Dehmer, K.j. , Hegarty, M. , Muylle, H. , Roldán-ruiz, I. , Roschanski, A.m. , Ruttink, T. :
    Genomic markers of plant adaptation to climate: Responses from one of the widest screening of natural intraspecific genetic diversity across Europe. Poster en Congreso. Genomic markers of plant adaptation to climate: Responses from one of the widest screening of natural intraspecific genetic diversity across Europe. Saint Martin de Londres (France). 2016
  • Liberal, I.m. , Blanco, José Luis, Vargas , P., Pfeil, B.e. :
    Heterogeneous Signals of Selection in Antirrhinum. Poster en Congreso. International Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG XXIII). San Diego. California. USA. 2015
  • Blanco, José Luis, Fernández-mazuecos , M. , Vargas, P. :
    Bee morphotypes explain floral variation in a radiation of Linaria species.. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th Meeting of the Flower Ecology working group of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) ¿Ecoflor 2014¿. Puerto Real. Spain. 2014
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M. , Blanco, José Luis, Martínez-pérez, C. , Guzmán, B. , Vargas , P. , Glover, B. J. :
    Are floral nectar spurs a key innovation in angiosperms? A phylogenetic comparative analysis of snapdragons and relatives. Ponencia en Congreso. Asistencia a congreso sin presentación: International Conference on Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods and their Application in Evolutionary Biol. Seville, Spain. 2014
  • Liberal, I.m. , Blanco, José Luis, Pfeil , B.e. , Vargas, P. :
    Accommodating hybrid/introgressed lineages in the multispecies coalescent: the complex evolutionary history of Antirrhinum unraveled. Poster en Congreso. XIV Congress of the European Society For Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). - Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M. , Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P. :
    Pollinator-restrictive flower traits determine evolutionary optima with differential diversification rates in bifid toadflaxes (Linaria sect. Versicol. Ponencia en Congreso. XIV Congress of the European Society For Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). - Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
  • Blanco, José Luis, Pfeil , B.e. , Vargas, P. :
    Systematics in presence of reticulation and incomplete lineage sorting: the case of Linaria sect. Supinae.. Poster en Congreso. XIV Congress of the European Society For Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). - Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
  • Jiménez-mejías, P. , Zamora, J.c. , Sandoval-sierra, J.v. , Fernández-mazuecos, M. , Blanco, José Luis:
    Entomophily transition in European sedges: a preliminary study in Rhynchospora alba. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Meeting of the Flower Ecology working group of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) ¿Ecoflor 2013¿. Sevilla, Spain. 2013
  • Blanco, José Luis, Fernández-mazuecos , M. , Vargas, P. :
    Past, present and future of the Sierra Nevada endemic plant Linaria glacialis: distribution models and effective population size through tim. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Meeting of the Flower Ecology working group of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) ¿Ecoflor 2013¿. Sevilla, Spain. 2013
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M. , Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P. :
    Restrictive flower traits determine evolutionary optima with differential diversification rates in Linaria. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Meeting of the Flower Ecology working group of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) ¿Ecoflor 2013¿. Sevilla, Spain. 2013
  • Fernámdez-mazueco, M, Blanco, José Luis, Cano, E. , Liberal , I. , Vargas, P. :
    Biogeography at the macro- and microevolutionary level in genus Linaria Mill. . Ponencia en Congreso. III Congress of the Spanish Association for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE). Madrid, Spain. 2011
  • Fernández-mazuecos, M. , Blanco-pastor, J.l. , Juan, A. , Fay, M.f. , Sáez , Ll. , Vargas, P. , Blanco, José Luis:
    First insights into the phylogeny of toadflaxes (Linaria Mill., Antirrhineae): systematic, evolutionary and biogeographic implications. . Poster en Congreso. Comunicación en el XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia. 2011
  • Rumeu, Beatriz, Caujapé-castells, Juli, Blanco, José Luis, Jaén-molina, Ruth, Nogales, Manuel, Elias, Rui B., Vargas-Gómez, Pablo:
    The colonization history of Juniperus brevifolia (Cupressaceae) in the Azores Islands. Poster en Congreso. 12th Annual EEF Congress. Ávila, España. 2011
  • Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P.:
    Divergent evolution in Mediterranean Linaria lineages supports Baker¿s rule. Ponencia en Congreso. 8th Meeting of the Flower Ecology working group of the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) ¿Ecoflor 2011¿. - Toledo, Spain. 2011
  • Blanco, José Luis, Pfeil , B.e. , Vargas, P. :
    The reticulate evolution of Linaria sect. Supinae (Antirrhineae). Poster en Congreso. III Congress of the Spanish Association for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE). MADRID, ESPAÑA.. 2011
  • Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P.:
    Molecular systematics of Linaria sect. Supinae. Ponencia en Congreso. III Scientific Meeting at Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). . Madrid. Spain. 2009
  • Blanco, José Luis, Vargas, P.:
    ¿Explica la regla de Baker la distribución de las Linarias? Un ejemplo con Linaria sect. Supinae.. Ponencia en Congreso. IV Scientific Meeting at Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). Madrid, Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). 2009