Incio  >  

Álvarez Recio, Leticia

Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-7843-519X

Perfil en ResearcherID: F-3595-2015

Perfil en Scopus: 55382438200\

Perfil en Dialnet: 2519676

Grupos de Investigación
Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US


  • Los Libros de Caballerías Castellanos en Lengua Inglesa: Anthony Munday y la Cultura Europea Renacentista ( FFI2015-70101-P ).
Participa los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US


  • Los Libros de Caballerías en Inglaterra (III) ( PID2020-115735GB-100 - Investigador/a).
  • Los libros de caballerías castellanos en lengua inglesa: los casos de Palmerin d¿Oliva (1588) y Palmendos (1589) ( FFI2011-22811 - Investigador/a).
  • Los romances medievales tras la introducción de la imprenta ( FFI2008-02165 - Investigador/a).


  • Literatura inglesa anticatólica y antiespañola del siglo XVII ( - Investigador/a ).


  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    William Winstanley. The Essex Champion. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca e Instituto Cervantes. 2022. ISBN www.quijotetransnacional.es/index.php/BQT/catalog/view/2/7/419
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Anthony Munday. The Honourable, Pleasant and Rare Conceited Historie of Palmendos. A Critical Edition.. Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University. 2022. ISBN 9781580444828
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Iberian Chivalric Romance: Translations and Cultural Transmission in Early Modern England. Toronto University Press. 2021. ISBN 1487508816, 9781487508814
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Fighting the Antichrist: A History of Anti-Catholicism in Tudor England. Sussex Academic Press. 2011. ISBN 978-1-84519-427-7
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:

Capítulo de Libros:

  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    La ficción inglesa en prosa a finales del siglo XVII: las lecturas del Paladín de Essex. Pag. 275 - 289. En: William Winstanley, El Paladín de Essex. Trad. Pedro Javier Pardo y María Posada Friend. Biblioteca Quijote Transnacional. Salamanca: Ediciones Univer. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca e Instituto Cervantes. 2022. ISBN 978-84-1311-594-8
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Sir Francis Drake: Conquest and Colonization in Anthony Munday's Palmendos (1589). . Pag. 51 - 73. En: Iberian Chivalric Romance. Translations and Cultural Transmission in Early Modern England. University Of Toronto Press. 2021. ISBN 978-1-4875-0881-4
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    William Barley (c. 1565-1614). Pag. 183 - 187. En: En Los libros de caballerías en Inglaterra (1572¿1700). . Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 2020. ISBN 9788413114071
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Palmendos, 1589-1663 . Pag. 87 - 103. En: En Los libros de caballerías en Inglaterra (1572¿1700). . Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 2020. ISBN 9788413114071
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Tate, Nahum. Pag. 1212 - 1213. En: The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789. . Wiley and Blackwell. 2015. ISBN 978-1-4443-3020-5-
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Contemporary Visions of Mary Stuart's Execution: Saintliness and Vilification. Pag. 209 - 221. En: THE RITUALS AND RHETORIC OF QUEENSHIP. MEDIEVAL TO EARLY MODERN. FOUR COURTS PRESS. 2009. ISBN
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    English Protestant Sermons at Moments of Crisis. Pag. 31 - 52. En: WAR SERMONS. CAMBRDIGE SCHOLARS PRESS. 2009. ISBN

Publicaciones en Revistas:

  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Milton among Spaniards by Angelica Duran. En: Hispanófila. 2022. Vol. 194. Núm. 1. Pag. 163-164 10.1353/hsf.2022.0015
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Victoria M. Muñoz. 2021. Spanish Romance in the Battle for Global Supremacy: Tudor and Stuart Black Legends. London: Anthem Press . En: SEDERI. 2022. Vol. 32. Núm. . Pag. 133-137
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Provenance and Reception of Iberian Chivalric Books in English from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century: The Case of Anthony Munday¿s Palmendos (. En: Studies in Medievalism. 2021. Vol. 30. Núm. . Pag. 107-128 https://doi.org/10.1017/9781800101012.008
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Gutiérrez Trápaga, Daniel. Rewritings, Sequels and Cycles in Sixteenth-Century Castilian Romances of Chivalry.`Aquella inacabable aventura', Woodbridg. En: Revista de poética medieval. 2019. Vol. Revista de Poética Medieval. Núm. 33. Pag. 163-166 10.37536/RPM.2019.33.0.63850
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Translations of Spanish Chivalry Works in the Jacobean Book Trade: Shelton's Don Quixote in the Light of Anthony Munday's Publications. En: Renaissance Studies. 2018. Vol. 33. Núm. 5. Pag. 691-711 10.1111/rest.12519
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Spanish Chivalric Romances in English Translation:Anthony Munday's Palmendos (1589). En: Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies. 2016. Vol. 91. Núm. 1. Pag. 5-20 10.1177/0184767816662926.
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Anthony Munday's Palmendos (1589) in the Early Modern English Book Trade: Print and Reception. En: Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. 2016. Vol. 38. Núm. 1. Pag. 53-69
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Chapters Translated by Anthony Munday in The History of Palmendos (1589): A Long-Standing Error. En: Notes and Queries. 2015. Vol. 62. Núm. 4. Pag. 549-551 10.1093/notesj/gjv127
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Anti-Catholicism, Civic Consciousness, and Parlamentarianism: Thomas Scott's Vox Regis (1624). En: International Journal of English Studies. 2013. Vol. 13. Núm. 1. Pag. 133-147
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Pro-Match Literature and Royal Supremacy: The Case of Michael Du Val's The Spanish English Rose (1622) . En: SEDERI. 2012. Vol. 22. Núm. . Pag. 7-27
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Romance, Politics, and Money: The French Cause in The True Chronicle History of King Leir. En: English Studies. 2012. Vol. 93. Núm. 6. Pag. 652-667 10.1080/0013838X.2012.700571
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Politicization of the Pulpit in Seventeenth-Century England: Thanksgiving Sermons after the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion. En: Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies. 2009. Vol. 40. Núm. . Pag. 13-23
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Nahum Tate's The History of King Richard The Second (1681): Politics and Censorship during the Exclusion Crisis. En: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research. 2009. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. 17-30
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Opposing the Spanish Match: Thomas Scott's Vox Populi (1620). En: SEDERI. 2009. Vol. 19. Núm. . Pag. 5-22
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    An Approach to English Anti-Catholicism through the Analysis of Some Anti-Jesuitical Pamphlets. En: SEDERI. 2002. Vol. 11. Núm. . Pag. 293-300
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Emblematic Tradition in 17th-Century Anti-Catholic Pamphlets. En: SEDERI. 2001. Vol. 12. Núm. . Pag. 97-106
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Frances E. Dolan "Whores of Babylon: Catholicism, Gender, and Seventeenth-Century Print Culture" (Ithaca & Londres, 1999). En: Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. 2001. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. 211-214
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The White House in "A Game at Chess": El ataque de Thomas Middleton a la política real. En: Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. 2000. Vol. . Núm. . Pag. 7-19

Aportaciones a Congresos:

  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Love Melancholy in Iberian Chivalric Romances in English Translation. Comunicación en congreso. III International Conference on Anglo-Iberian Relations: From Medieval to the Modern. Oviedo. 2019
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Romance and Native Prose Fiction: Munday's Chivalric Translations in the 1580s. Comunicación en congreso. 42nd AEDEAN Conference. Córdoba. 2018
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Anthony Munday's Dedication to Sir Francis Drake in Palmendos(1589): Translations of Chivalric and New World Literature in the late Elizabethan Book T. Comunicación en congreso. 29th SEDERI International Conference. Guadalajara, España. 2018
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Translating Spanish Chivalric Books in Early Modern England: Thomas Shelton¿s Don Quixote and Anthony Munday. Comunicación en congreso. 27th International SEDERI Conference. Valladolid, Spain. 2016
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Publication History of Anthony Munday's Palmendos (1589). Comunicación en congreso. 26th Sederi International Conference. Commerce, Communities, and the Global Early Modern. Baeza (Jaén). 2015
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Seventeenth-Century Editions of Spanish Chivalric Romances in English: A Comparative Analysis of Anthony Munday¿s Palmendos (1589, 1653, 1663). Comunicación en congreso. 25th International SEDERI Conference. Oviedo, España. 2014
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Translating Spanish Chivalric Romances in Late Elizabethan England: The Case of Anthony Munday¿s Palmendos (1589). Comunicación en congreso. 38th International Conference of the Spanish Association for English and American Studies (AEDEAN). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. 2014
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Early Modern English Translations of Spanish Chivalric Romances: Anthony Munday¿s Method in Palmendos (1589). Comunicación en congreso. Romance and Its Transformations, 1550-1750 Conference. House Library, Alton (Reino Unido). 2014
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Romance as a Commercial Strategy in Early Modern English Theatre: The True Chronicle History of King Leir (1594) . Comunicación en congreso. Sederi XXI. Oporto, Portugal. 2010
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Anti-Catholic Discourse in Thomas Scott's Vox Dei (1623) and Vox Regis (1624): A Vehicle for Discussion on New Models of Government. Comunicación en congreso. SEDERI 19 () (.2008.ALMAGRO). ALMAGRO. 2008
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Michael Du Val's The Spanish-English Rose (1622): A Different Protestant View on Spain and Catholicism . Comunicación en congreso. 32nd AEDEAN Conference. .. . 2008
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Thanksgiving Sermons after Monmouth's Failed Rebellion. Comunicación en congreso. SEDERI (18) (18.2007.CADIZ). CADIZ. 2007
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Rituals of Arrival: An English Prince in Madrid. Comunicación en congreso. LIII Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Miami, USA. 2007
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Ana de los mil días. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Images. Cultures. Teoría, historia y Literatura en el Cine de Habla Francesa e Inglesa. Cádiz. 2007
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Pamphlet Literature against the Anglo-Spanish Match: Thomas Scott's Vox Populi (1620). Comunicación en congreso. AEDEAN 31 () (.2007.LA CORUÑA). LA CORUÑA. 2007
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Idolatry and the Pamphlet Literature of the 1630s. Comunicación en congreso. ICONS AND ICONOCLASTS () (.2006.ABERDEEN, REINO UNIDO). ABERDEEN, REINO UNIDO. 2006
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Pamphlets, Newspapers, and Public Opinion: The Discourse against Spain in the English Commonwealth. Comunicación en congreso. Sederi XVII. Cáceres. 2006
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Contemporary Visions of Mary Stuart's Execution: Saintliness and Vilification. Comunicación en congreso. THE RITUAL AND RHETORIC OF QUEENSHIP () (.2006.CANTERBURY, REINO UNIDO). CANTERBURY, REINO UNIDO. 2006
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Anti-Spanish Prejudice in Charles I's England (1625-1649):A Vehicle to Reinforce the Government of an Instrument for Attacks against the Monarchy?. Comunicación en congreso. EXPLORING THE RENAISSANCE 2006: AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE () (.2006.HOUSTON, EE.UU.). HOUSTON, EE.UU.. 2006
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Prince Charles's Visit to Spain in 1623: Perspectives from Spain. Comunicación en congreso. AEDEAN 30 2006 - UNIVERSIDAD DE HUELVA. HUELVA. 2006
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Relevance of Sermons in Arousing Nationalistic Feelings: The Spanish Armada Threat in 1588 England. Comunicación en congreso. War Sermons Conference. Aix-en-Provence. 2005
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Mary Tudor and Philip of Spain's Entry in London: Proposals for Government in the New Catholic Régime. Comunicación en congreso. SEDERI (16) (16.2005.MURCIA). MURCIA. 2005
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    The Nostalgia for Elizabeth in Thomas Dekker's The Whore of Babylon (1607). Comunicación en congreso. 29th Aedean Conference. Jaén. 2005
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    William Wager's Enough is as Good as a Feast (1570) and Thomas Lupton's All for Money (1578): The New Morality Play in the First Half of Elizabeth's R. Comunicación en congreso. SEDERI (15) (15.2004.LISBOA, PORTUGAL). LISBOA, PORTUGAL. 2004
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Lewis Wager's the Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdelene (1566): Medieval Allegory and Elizabethan Political propaganda. Comunicación en congreso. SEDERI (14) (14.2003.JAÉN). JAÉN. 2003
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    Drama and the Restoration Crisis Reassessed (1678-1682): The Performance of the Civil Conflic in Nahum Tate's Richard II (1681), Elckanah Settle's The. Mesa redonda de Congreso. SEDERI (13) (13.2003.VIGO). VIGO. 2003
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    An Approach to the Emblematic Tradition in Seventeenth-Century Anti-Catholic Pamphlets. Comunicación en congreso. Sederi XII. Valladolid. 2001
  • Alvarez-Recio, Leticia:
    An Approach to English Anti-Catholicism through the Analysis of Some Anti-Jesuitical Pamphlets. Comunicación en congreso. Sederi XI. Huelva. 2000